Business Continuity Planning Training Workshop
October 5, 2023
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Event Description

Ensuring that your firm is resilient is much more than being prepared for Hurricanes or an adverse weather situation. Business Resilience takes account of many facets of ensuring that your business can withstand various shocks that it may confront from time to time.


Developing an honest and thorough Business Continuity Plan remains one sure way of mitigating the many risks the modern business will face at some point in time. Cyber Risks, biological risks and pandemic risks are some of yeh more currently touted risks that are in vogueHow do you ensure that your business will be able to successfully in a modern multi-hazard risk environment.


The St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce continues its rich tradition of helping members to be ahead of the curve and respond to emerging issues and more importantly take advantage of upcoming trends and navigate the rapidly changing and unpredictable economic cycles. Development of and regularly reviewing a business continuity plan is key to making sure your firm is prepared and able to face the uncertain times ahead. This Business Continuity Planning Workshop will, elaborate how firms can, conduct firm level risk diagnosis and put into effect some Risk Reduction Strategies.


The vulnerability of our economy to disasters, manmade or natural cannot be understated and the current experience with climate change, supply chain disruptions and continuing global instability assumes even greater significance at this time. This knowledge and insight must be translated to definitive and deliberate actions, to reduce vulnerability to known risks, while finding ways to build the resilience of firms and the nation to unknown and emerging risks.


The two-day workshop will take account of how to conduct a thorough risk analysis of your business, and how to think through mitigation measure. It will offer hands on training in how to develop and review your firm’s BCP.  A tried and tested template will be provided to attendees, before the workshop, allowing in-firm discussion and pre workshop preparation. At the workshop there will then be systematic knowledge transfer to help build that plan.


Business Continuity Planning is a practical and powerful tool firms use to mitigate and counter the inevitable occurrence of any type of calamity or disaster. Ensuring that key business processes, human resource skills and operations can continue after an emergency or disaster is vital. While most firms focus their BCP on natural disasters this workshop will discuss a broad spectrum of risks that must be taken account of, such a as cyber-attacks, biological and health pandemics as well as the impact of fires, crime and civil disobedience.


The two-day Workshop will run from 9:00AM to5:00PM at the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, Orange Park Commercial Center Bois D’ Orange, on Wednesday 4 and Thursday, 5 October2023. The course will be facilitated by Mr. Andrew George an ISO Certified Risk Management Trainer. Other Subject Experts may be brought into provide further advice.

Guest Speakers
Andrew George
Managing Director
BCP and Risk Management Consultant
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