Global Entrepreneurship Week St. Lucia 2023; Time to Get Involved!
May 9, 2023
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In November2023, the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) will officially celebrate fifteen(15) years of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), a platform that has aidedmillions of people unleash ideas which propelled them to start and scale new businesses.The initiative began in 2008 with a particular emphasis on inspiring youngpeople to make their mark and has rapidly grown into a worldwide effort thatengages entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, researchers, supportorganizations and other collaborators to advance economic growth and innovationin over 180 countries globally.


Global Entrepreneurshipweek is observed for one week, each November and will take place from Monday 13thNovember to Sunday 19th November this year. The St. Lucia Chamber ofCommerce, Industry and Agriculture, the local host organization, joined the GlobalEntrepreneurship movement in 2011 and has been assisting in highlightingentrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth.


Therehas been a deliberate effort on the part of the Chamber to commence thegroundwork and preparation for GEW as early as possible. Regular partner meetingshave been held that have been immensely fruitful and promising. Discussions forthe grand celebration have juxtaposed the growing needs of entrepreneurs withinthis current climate and possible avenues for satisfying those needs. It isbelieved that this year’s observation is ideal to alter the way personsperceive entrepreneurship and what it means within our local culture, especiallyas we emerge from a pandemic.


The St.Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture hereby encourages allinterested agencies and organizations to be part of the local movement for GEW2023. Agencies may wish to host an event, rebrand an existing event in yourcalendar under Global Entrepreneurship Week, support one of the beacon events orco – sponsor a partner event. These efforts will aid in promoting the entrepreneurialspirit in St. Lucia, as well as assist in creating and sustaining a viable entrepreneurialecosystem that is undoubtedly, vital to our economy.





For moreinformation on how your organization can get involved or for more information onGlobal Entrepreneurship Week 2023, kindly contact the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce,Industry and Agriculture via telephone at 452 3165 or via email at All interested partnersare welcomed!

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