Nation Must Get Serious  And Accelerate  Action Against Crime Now!
November 28, 2022
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At the 138th AGM hosted on November 16th2022, President Trevor Louisy spoke to the issue of Citizen Security and Crime as priority item on the Chamber’s agenda.   Being elected for the 2nd consecutive term Louisy spoke to several issues of critical importance for the chamber members and the nation. However, his emphasis on Law and Order was glaring as The President, underscored the issue as one of grave concern, strongly impacting the private sector and expanding to all facets of the society and nation.  


The Chamber head continues – “Ensuring citizens are protected from unreasonable threats to their person and property is the most basic responsibility of the state. Any state who cannot do so with a certain measure of surety has to be considered a failed state.  The Chamber becomes more concerned every year with state of citizen security. Robberies and unlawfulness especially again smaller business sector who cannot defend against such acts, therefore depend on the state for joint action to mitigate their exposure.”


Members have noted the general breakdown in law and order in the country. President highlighted that ‘We must break this trend of ‘smaller’ acts early so that it does not become the norm.  The Chamber calls upon the nation to nip this and campaign against no tolerance for small infractions so that we do not nurture the habit of disregard for the law and bring attention to the simple rules and regulations that protect us all.”


The reason for highlighting the issue of Citizen Security as a priority item is to alert members of the need to actively join forces with The Chamber in some of its vital endeavors when appropriate when called upon at relevant time. He concluded that action cannot be taken by a few if members are to take the Chamber forward with reasonable impetus.


The Chamber secretariate has movedinto high gear on the President’s call and will deliver a security Symposium onDecember 6th2022. Members of the Business community are expected tojoin forces with Chamber as the Citizen Security agenda is forwarded throughthis engagement.


More information on the symposiumcan be provided here 

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